Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Ultimate StairMaster Booty Workout

Let's be honest, just because we're losing weight and getting in shape doesn't mean we want to have the figure of a 14-year-old boy. There's a lot of value in having a perfectly sculpted butt (emphasis on sculpted, not just big). I'm naturally "gifted" on top, so I put a lot of focus on making my backside look just as good because I certainly wasn't born with anything back there. It really doesn't take that much time to start building a good butt and it can give you added confidence while you're trying to lose weight in other areas. If you put on a pair of pants or a tight skirt/dress and think "DAMN, my booty is rockin'!", you're likely to overlook other areas of your body that you would normally be nitpicking and feeling insecure about. And seeing faster progress back there will give you confidence that you can make the same progress in other areas.
There's a lot to think about when sculpting your behind. You of course want the bulk in the middle, but it's important to do exercises that round the top and lift underneath. Do you really want a big butt that sags? No, you want a butt that's lifted and sexy. I'm going to do other posts/videos with different exercises, but here is a great way to start sculpting your booty while getting in a good cardio routine. It has different speeds so you can raise and drop your heart rate to burn more calories and different stepping moves to sculpt different areas of your butt and legs.
Sidenote: The StairMaster looks intimidating, but once you get used to the steps it's really easy and a lot of fun! Start on slower speeds and bump them up as you get more comfortable.
The Ultimate StairMaster Booty Workout
(20 minutes plus cool down)
0-2: Double Step w/ Donkey Kicks @ speed level 5
2-3: Side Step Left @ speed level 10
3-4: Side Step Left @ speed level 8
4-5: Side Step Right @ speed level 10
5-6: Side Step Right @ speed level 8
6-7: Normal Step @ speed level 4
7-10: Backwards Step @ speed level 8
-repeat this routine for minutes 10-20 and then cool down-
Terms Key: 
Normal Step = one step at a time, as you would normally walk up stairs
Double Step w/ Donkey Kick = skip a step in between and whichever leg is about to step up, kick back as high as you can twice
Side Step = turn your body as much to the side as you can and cross your bottom foot over your top
Backwards Step = turn your body completely around (180 degrees) and step backwards up the stairs
Cool Down = do a normal forward-facing step at a slow speed for 3-5 minutes to drop your heart rate (if you don't cool down after cardio, you risk passing out from lowering your heart rate too quickly)
xo AJB

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